Tuesday, May 25, 2010

DIAA Dairy Awards

Red Hill Pecorino has won a GOLD MEDAL in the sheep cheese section of this years awards, scoring 17.17 out of a possible 20, and putting it amongst the few gold medals awarded. Red Hill Mountain Goat Blue also received a gold medal, as it has in the past. We are particularly proud of Pecorino, being in only its first year of production. It will now be eligible to enter the Grand Dairy Awards held later in the year. This surface - ripened cheese is quite different to the modern Pecorino's in the hard cheese section, although it is a shame that it cannot be compared alongside its cow cheese cousins. Bring on the day when sheep, goat and buffalo products are considered main stream enough to not be listed under page 20 of the awards! View the full results at http://www.diaa.asn.au/images/stories/pdf/product-comps/2010-vic-results.pdf

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Weekly Times article

Red Hill Cheese has been featured in The Weekly Times paper today, on the front page of the Country Living section. Thanks Sarah and Zoe for a great article.
Meanwhile the last few batches of pecorino are disappearing fast, now at its peak with a robust caramelised flavor. It sure will be missed until next milking season.

Monday, May 3, 2010