The ewes have been very patient, adapting to many changes in their facilities over the years as the dairy has grown. Now they have one final hurdle to overcome, but are starting to get used to their new home and 12-bail dairy, which should make life easier over the years for all concerned. After much demolition, construction and refinements the dairy is now operational, while still having some final installments.
We are having a very wet winter and there have been some challenges running sheep on a property that has grazed only cattle for the last 50 years. However the water runs away quickly into the Foster creek, and the quality of the feed is outstanding, expected to show its full colors in spring / summer.
The girls have new friends in 2 alpacas that have joined the herd for the first time. They have taken on their task well as protectors of the flock, worrying when the sheep are disturbed.
We are 2 weeks into lambing so the milk is starting to trickle in. While we are finishing off the last of the pecorino and feta from the previous season, fresh Black Wool and yoghurt will be available soon. Red Hill Cheese will soon be found at our local Gippsland farmers markets, starting with Coal Creek at Korumburra.