Saturday, December 24, 2011

Hard Loch Cafe

Our cheeses can now be found at the cafe in Loch, when you need to stock up between farmers markets. You can meet the cheese maker personally on the second Saturday of every month at the Coal Creek farmers market in Korumburra, and occasionally at The Foster Produce market.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Prospect East Friesian milkers

In the milking herd this year we have had the first descendents of our Prospect ram. He has given us reliable results of lambs on the ground every year and still going strong. When joined to good ewes the offspring (as pictured) have been overall as good as their dams (in their first year), although you can't work miracles and lambs out of ordinary ewes didn't make the grade or make it into the herd. The ram has thrown the characteristic of 'W' shaped udders, with generally good let-down.

All of you who are interested in East Fresian sheep, I encourage you to pop me an email, let me know why and where you are from. Lets build the growing network :)

Shearing in the dairy

The weather is starting to warm up now and the ewes have been huffing and puffing in their long coats. A good time to whip the wool off and now they are much happier, fitting into the bail with ease. We have had some wild weather during and since shearing, but thankfully our tree shelters and natural topography provided good protection. We were lucky to keep them all dry in sheds before the rain started and got them all shorn together. They make quite a sight now with their stark black and white contrast. Together they give the paddocks the traditional look of Frisian cows, and we have also had the Magpie jokes.