Friday, March 30, 2012


Have had an interesting couple of days, spraying blackberries amongst the tree plantations around the farm. I have seen some sights and areas of the farm not experienced before, poking about all the hard to reach places.

Weather: a perfect 22 degrees, little breeze.
Topography: footholds rare to find, mostly steep, covered in long grass and branches
Wildlife: saw our first black wallaby, tiger snake right where I needed to spray which then disappeared under the grass, Rosella parots and plenty of Jack Jumper nests.

Hard going getting about with the knapsack. The hose on the sprayer behind the tractor could only reach a small percentage of the area, and was harder to drag through the trees. Between the wet feet, thorns and wicked cramps I did enjoy those 'special little spots' and taking in the views when stopping for a break. Some of the patches had gone a bit wild. Will have to keep on top of them next year.

Next job is shearing some lambs while the weather is fine.