Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lambing has started!

The pressure is on now with 2 sets of twins born into the foul weather last night, and the dairy improvements still aren't quite finished yet. 3 days until first milk.......

Friday, June 5, 2009

Maidens on the long paddock

The hogget ewes with Prospect Ram moving between paddocks this week, back to the cheesery orchard for some fresh pick. They love a run down the road with all the interesting things to eat along the way. The ram was a little concerned about the neighbour's dog.

New barley silo

The girls will be well fed this year. What a relief - happy milkers! The barley will go into the fodder factory (yet to come) to be turned into green shoots.

See Red Hill Cheese homepage


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Merricks Mist

Red Hill Cheese 'Merricks Mist' with vegimite - hmmmm, a great cheese maker's lunch. Merricks is a cow milk white mold cheese with a mild flavor and very soft smooth texture. I have never had a health problem from eating too much cheese, rather too much bread can be the problem!
I make sheep cheese seasonally from my own East Friesian ewes, goat cheese from a local dairy and cow milk cheese with NASSA certified organic cow milk from Fish Creek in Gippsland. The different milks have their own unique characteristics. Cow milk is very reliable for cheesemaking, and buttery, goat milk has delicate but complex flavour, and sheep milk is just liquid gold, with the best qualities of all the others put together.!